Socioeconomic Status And Life Choices

It is widely believed that a person’s socioeconomic status affects the life choices that he or she makes. The socioeconomic status of a person is a combination between the education, experience, and income of the person and his or her family. It is believed that all of these factors combined will help to impact the decisions that one makes through out his or her life. Socioeconomic status is as much something that a person is born in to, as well as something that he or she can change over time. The interesting thing about socioeconomic status is that it can be altered by an individual and by the descendants of the family for better or for worse.

When it comes to socioeconomic status, one can alter a number of elements to the puzzle. The only piece that one cannot change is the family that he or she was born in to. However, the life choices that he or she makes can alter the evaluation of the socioeconomic status. If a person is brought up in an affluent household with nice material items, and the role models of hard working parents who want the best for their children, then it is believed that this will help to mold the choices of the children. The children of these people are believed to be more likely to want to go out in the world and work hard in order to make the money to live the same lifestyle as their parents provided for them growing up. Furthermore, it is believed that a person growing up in a less affluent home would be more likely to not strive for the same situation as others. However, there is always the situation where the home life and socioeconomic status causes the opposite effect on an individual. This is a unique case and is not typical in studies.

In regards to evaluating one’s socioeconomic status, there are a number of elements that must be taken in to consideration. The employment, income, and education of the person affect the evaluation, just as much as the family that he or she was born in to affects the equation. One really unique aspect of socioeconomic status and life choices is that it can be altered by an individual and by the descendants of the family for better or for worse. The decisions of an individual can make a lasting impact on the results of the situation.

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