How To Write A Strong Research Paper About Racism

If you are tasked with writing a strong research paper about racism, there are many steps you must take. The first step is to refine your topic. While you might know you want to write about racism, you have to make sure you can cover a more specific thesis statement.

When you are selecting a topic is best that you pick something that you know. The more you know about a topic the easier it will be for you to cover that topic. This will save you a great deal of time when it comes to research as well because you will already have much of the rudimentary information that you would otherwise have to spend hours trying to research. If you are familiar with the topic from another class, you might be able to incorporate some of the resources that you use for a previously written paper which can also save you a great deal of time. Looking at different sample essays that have been written about the subject that you are going to cover is another great way to locate potential sources and save yourself a lot of time trying to research them.

  • When you are picking your topic you should consider things that you are passionate about. If you are able, find something that you can apply to your life. For example, if you one-day want to own a business, you might consider writing a paper that focuses on effective leadership for business management. In doing this you can prepare yourself for one day owning a business. If you have recently traveled to Italy you can include something about Italian customs so that you can use the knowledge you already have.

  • After you have your topic, it is time for you to start brainstorming what you already know about your topic and what else you need to know. The things you still need to know will make up the bulk of your research.

  • As you research, use only academic sources. Make sure you write down all bibliographic information, especially if you are only photocopying or emailing yourself individual pages. If you write down any facts or statistics, write down the bibliographic information that corresponds to it in the proper format required of your paper. This will help you to save a great deal of time later when you must put together a reference page.

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