ADHD Research Papers – 8 Vital Writing Hints

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is an important research topic to tackle in an academic or professional setting. Like any other research topic, there is a clear guideline that writers should follow when completing such a paper, but there are also some important topic-focused ideas to consider as well.

Know Your Topic

What about ADHD will you focus on as you begin your research? Is it a general, information-driven essay that gives a background on the disorder? Or is there another, specific topic you would like to cover?

Some important topics within the subject of ADHD include: medication, intervention, diagnosis, new research, ADHD in the classroom and alternative treatments.

Follow a Guideline

  1. Pick a topic. What point do you want to make?
  2. Create a cluster or outline that will allow you to brainstorm on your topic. What arguments can you make within your paper to support your argument? How can you answer potential questions with information? Does it make sense?
  3. Follow a layout. The five paragraph essay layout is a common place to start.
  4. The five paragraph essay model is as follows:

    • Paragraph 1: Introduction (including thesis)
    • Paragraph 2: Discussion Topic 1
    • Paragraph 3: Discussion Topic 2
    • Paragraph 4: Discussion Topic 3
    • Paragraph 5: Conclusion (including restatement of thesis)

    Tip: The layout does not have to be literal – you can expand to include more than one paragraph for each section!

  5. Do your research.
  6. Review a number of scholarly sources and compile quotes, statistics and other relevant information for inclusion in your paper. Add each piece onto your cluster or outline to organize where it might fall.

    Tip: Beware of non-scholarly sources. Only use information that you can cite correctly from books, journals and other research projects. If you must rely on internet sources, only include those of a scholarly nature.

  7. Write your paper.
  8. Using the information you have compiled, and adding more as you see fit, write your paper in the format you’ve prepared.

  9. Cite your sources.
  10. Proper citation is extremely important. Always cite where you found information, quotes and important data.

  11. Review your work.
  12. Ask a peer or colleague to edit your paper. Consider also having the instructor give it a quick look before you finalize. The more eyes that look it over, the better.

  13. Finalize.
  14. Once you have made any corrections, and reviewed the requirements to ensure you have followed them accurately, you can finalize your paper for submission.

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